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Chakras in Psychic/Mediumship Development

Updated: Jun 3, 2020

When I first started my spiritual journey, I read as much as I could on the internet. I couldn't read one thing about spirituality without someone discussing Chakras, this new, foreign concept to me.

When I realized that I needed deeper, longer explanations, I bought two books: one on Chakras; and the other a book on Beginner Psychic Development. I didn't know it at the time, but having both references to grab at a moment's notice would prove to push my development leaps forward.

Of course, I wanted to delve right into Psychic Development; it was the obvious direction I wanted to explore. As I read through the first chapter, I realized then that these (7) points of energy within our physical body actually tapped into our psychic senses. Each one was a center for a particular sense and by simply focusing on these energy centers, we can start to awaken our clairs (french word for "clear").

The (7) physical (called "physical" due to their location within the physical body connected to our Endocrine System) Chakras are as follows:

  1. Root

  2. Sacral

  3. Solar Plexus

  4. Heart

  5. Throat

  6. Third Eye

  7. Crown

You may be able to guess which energy center tunes into which clairs; some seem obvious. For example: you may have guessed that the Third Eye Chakra, located in between the eyebrows, would be the energy center for Clairvoyance, or "Clear Sight". If you are completely green to spiritual development, let me give you a quick run down...

#1 - Root, red, base of the spine, & #2 - Sacral, orange, 2 inches below the belly button, give us our power as it directly connects us to Earth and the Universe and the Sacral Chakra also gives us those "gut feelings". When these are unblocked or overworked, we feel unsafe and stressed about every life, from finances, our job and to the house. We also would feel uninspired and our personal relationships would suffer. These two push strength and energy to our Solar Plexus Chakra (#3).

#3 - Solar Plexus, yellow, located a couple inches above the belly button, is our power center. In this Chakra, our Clairsentience (or clear feeling) is accessed. This clair, and subsequently the Chakra, is important for understanding emotional energy that surrounds us. Side note: it's strange when we access this center and tune into the energies around us, because it feels like our own emotions. It is important to understand, however, that these feelings are NOT our own. For example: I had a client sit for a psychic reading. As I tuned in, I felt like I was discouraged about something. I understood immediately that it was not me, but my client. I vocalized what I was feeling, which she acknowledged that she had been feeling discouraged lately and it was the reason for her appointment. If I took her emotion on as my own, it might have thrown my reading off.

#4 - Heart, green, located--you guessed it--the lung--HAHA! Kidding of course. It's the center of your chest. The Heart Chakra enables us to feel compassion. It also aides in Clairsentience. When we communicate with Spirit, we can feel their love essence. I feel it strongly in my Heart Chakra. When this beauty is blocked or overworked, we feel it. We're hateful, jealous or even co-dependent.

#5 - Throat, turquoise, located in the throat, front to back and up to the ears. This is the energy center for Clairaudience, or clear hearing. In the beginning, it can be an easy sense to ignore while communicating with Spirit, if it isn't your strongest clair. When Spirit communicates with you, it's quick, subtle, and it's a lot to pay attention to. Most people want to develop their Clairaudience right away and it's no wonder why! But always try to enhance and develop your stronger clairs in the beginning--you need the validation in order to build trust with Spirit. When this is blocked or overworked, we can feel it physically with a sore throat or even an ear ache. We'll feel gossipy, opinionated or we may feel as if we cannot express ourselves.

#6 - Third Eye, purple/indigo, located between the eyebrows. This is the energy center for our Clairvoyance, or clear vision. This is a powerful energy center that gives each of us the ability to see images, future scenes, memories, or even Spirit. Most people don't even realize that they are having a psychic vision as it can feel like our own imagination. When this center is overactive or blocked, we may be delusional, unimaginative, unfocused and/or dull.

#7 - Crown, white/violet, located right smack at the top of our head. This is our divine connection to the Universe and to our Spirit selves. When this energy center is flowing freely, we have faith and we feel self-confident and secure. We also have a universal love for all beings. It is rare to have this center free-flowing at all times, but we feel so peaceful when it is operating as it should. When it is blocked, one may feel greedy, aggressive, lonely, and judgmental.

Now that you know about these energy centers, there's a responsibility to yourself to make sure each center is balanced. If you're ever feeling off, stressed, or emotional--check in with your centers and address accordingly. All you need to do is meditate & focus on the area of the energy center and see the color swirl in a clockwise manner. Sit quietly and connect to these areas. If you want an overall tune-up, start with your Root Chakra and work your way up. Disclaimer: Chakra tune-ups will pump you full of energy, so I would do it in the beginning of your day.

To help you out on your Chakra exploration, I made a Chakra Cheat Sheet. It will enable you to check in with how you're feeling when you're having one of those "Meh" days. Want a FREE copy? Enter your email below & subscribe to my newsletter...

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